
Bach, Passion selon saint Matthieu

Les Talens Lyriques, Christophe Rousset
Sacred music Baroque music
Friday 7 April - 8:30 pm
Grand Théâtre de Provence
Edition 2023
© Eric Larrayadieu

The tenth anniversary of the festival sees a performance of the St. Matthew Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach from Les Talens Lyriques, a dynamic formation specialised in the baroque vocal repertoire.

Fondé et dirigé par Christophe Rousset, l’ensemble se produit régulièrement sur les cinq continents.

Founded and run by Christophe Rousset, the ensemble performs regularly on five continents. This is their second time at Aix, and they will treat us to the second and more majestic of the two of Bach’s passions, narrating the last hours in the life of Christ. Prepare for a succession of voice solos, sung narratives and a vast choral and orchestral range, that create moments of collective fervour.

Surrounded by a host of exceptional solo vocalists, with support from the Namur Chamber Choir, Christophe Rousset will render the generous yet pathetic, soft yet vehement spirit of this epic piece, endowing it with the soul of a truly sacred opera.

Les Talens Lyriques
Chœur de Chambre de Namur
Christophe Rousset,

Ian Bostridge, Evangelist
Benjamin Appl, Jesus
Anna El-Khashem, soprano
Mari Askvik, alto
James Way, tenor
Thilo Dahlmann, baritone

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Matthäus-Passion (St Matthew Passion), BWV 244

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