sharing music with everyone

We wanted to share the Easter Festival with anyone who cannot travel, who thinks that classical music is not for them, who may not be able to afford it, or who are too far away.

Musique en partage (Music for all) is about sharing music with everyone: with the people of Aix, in the street, in the hospitals, in the hospices, with audiences of all ages and in as many ways as possible! We have put together a programme that is aimed at an entire generation from birth to the age of 14: a school for spectators, for listeners, a lesson in how to listen to music.

Next, from the ages of 14 to 18, we will be providing lessons in perfecting an instrument by offering students in rural-based music conservatories the chance to spend ten days at the Easter Festival to be taught by three established musicians, to meet Festival participants and, of course, to attend numerous concerts.
They possibly will not all become professional musicians but they will get a chance to deepen their love of music and connect with others.
Finally, thanks to the Génération @ Aix programme that was established back in 2013, the Festival’s first ever year, we support young soloists as they take their first steps as professionals. Some may have already made a name for themselves, but the Festival gives them the chance to spend a few days in Aix with an experienced mentor and to perform a concert together.

When we said “in as many ways as possible”, it was because music is not just about practicing and working, it can also be about getting a glimpse of what music truly is, through master-classes, chance meetings or listening to a radio programme or concert broadcast. How to experience it, how to share it and how to pass it on…

These are the emotions we want to share with you.

Join us, in as many ways as possible!
Have a great Festival!

Dominique Bluzet, Directeur exécutif
Renaud Capuçon, Directeur artistique

Musique en partage est possible grâce à Assami, ses mécènes et au soutien de la région Sud.