Alexandre Kantorow & l'Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg

He loves nothing more than to reveal pieces to the public that he feels have been unjustly overlooked.
Gustavo Gimeno is at the helm of the Orchestre philharmonique du Luxembourg, where he loves nothing more than to reveal pieces to the public that he feels have been unjustly overlooked. They include the short “Funeral March” from the film The Great Citizen which serves to remind us that Shostakovich wrote film scores.
Despite the scandal it caused in 1913 when it was first written, Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto n°2 is now part of the repertoire of the world’s elite pianists, a select group that Alexandre Kantorow joined at the tender age of 22 when he became the first French person to win the first prize and gold medal at the Tchaikovsky competition. The pianist’s personality matches this virtuoso piece perfectly reflecting its blend of humour and Slavic melancholy, not unlike Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony, with an added dose of lyricism.