
Bach, Passion selon saint matthieu

Les Ambassadeurs - La Grande Écurie
Friday 18 April - 20h30
Grand Théâtre de Provence

The Saint Matthew Passion by Bach led by the precise yet fluid baton of Alexis Kossenko, with the double ensemble of Les Ambassadeurs – La Grande Écurie.

It takes a certain level of charisma to manage to fuse two very distinct ensembles, but Alexis Kossenko has what it takes! This year, he brings his own young group, Les Ambassadeurs together with an ensemble imbued with a prestigious history under the guidance of the much-missed Jean-Claude Malgoire and one of the first ever orchestras to use period instruments, La Grande Écurie. Since 2021, their work together has simply wowed the critics. We can expect an impressive performance of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, a deeply human yet spiritual epic that blends virtuoso melodies, musical storytelling and memorable choirs.

Les Ambassadeurs - La Grande Écurie
Alexis Kossenko, conductor

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Saint Matthew Passion (Matthäus-Passion), BWV 244

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