
Bach, Passion selon saint Jean

Café Zimmermann, Vox Luminis
Friday 15 April - 20h30
Grand Théâtre de Provence
Édition 2022
Jean-Baptiste Millot
Jean-Baptiste Millot

The Café Zimmermann ensemble is well known to music lovers in Aix-en-Provence, and, while it has made its name all over Europe, it remains closely associated with Aix after ten years of residency in the city.

This year, alongside the Vox Luminis ensemble, they will perform Bach’s St John Passion, according to the Easter Festival tradition of alternating Bach’s passions each year. A vast piece embellished with choirs, airs and instrumental passages, the St John Passion required instrumental and vocal performers in numbers rarely seen at the time, to accurately depict the depths of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. The authenticity of the voices under the direction of Lionel Meunier and that of the orchestra in the expert hands of Céline Frisch and Pablo Valetti will give this Good Friday classic a timely update.

Café Zimmermann
Vox Luminis

Raphael Höhn, tenor

Johann Sebastian Bach
Johannes-Passion (St John Passion)

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