Des malheurs de Sophie
Sunday 17 April - 11h00
Conservatoire Darius Milhaud
Édition 2022

“Sophie was careless; she often did the wrong thing without thinking. One day, this is what happened to her…”
Sophie’s Misfortunes, one of the great children’s classics of the second Empire, is utterly timeless.
The Comtesse de Ségur’s masterpiece gets an update from Anaïs Vaugelade, losing none of its freshness or impertinence. Agnès Jaoui, unforgettable as Betty in Un air de famille will bring the very enthusiastic Sophie to life, telling us all about the trouble she gets into.
An Easter Festival regular, Claire-Marie Le Guay, will join her on stage, to accompany the cheeky youngster in all her adventures with aptly chosen extracts from Schumann’s Childhood Scenes. A mischievous, surprise-filled programme !